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Intellectual Works
Here are some presentations relating to the subject of Intellectual Works. You can
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Ruth Cheesley
How do you change the governance model of an established open source project?
Tobie Langel
The Software is Provided “As Is”
Horacio Gonzalez
How GitPod has changed my life (yeah, it has!)
Melissa Houghton
Azure Static Web Apps with Full Stack .NET
Stéphane Philippart
L’open source à la portée de toutes et tous !
David Pilato
Indexer ses documents bureautique avec la suite Elastic et FSCrawler
Andy Bell
Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager
Michael Miles
Managing releases using Git tags and semantic versioning
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Lorna Jane Mitchell
Text Markup to PDF with Python
Andy Bell
Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager
Jean-François Le Foll
Developpement agile de logiciels ?
Hala Anwar
Inclusive Thinking for BAs and PMs
Jun Ohtani
Elastic Stackでマイクロサービス運用を楽にするには? - Elastic Stackの活用 -
Rob Earlam
Containers & AKS - Taking Sitecore 10 to the next level
Jun Ohtani
Paweł Lewtak
2nd hardest thing in computer science
Tim Kadlec
Redefining Web Performance
Jonathan Miller Kauffman
Leveraging Zephyr and Behave for Test Case Management
Tobie Langel
Bringing ethics back to open source
Jun Ohtani
Elastic Stackでマイクロサービス運用を楽にするには? - Elastic Stackの活用 -
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